Wednesday, July 28, 2010


You would think that after going through so many experiences, both bad and good, having to deal with and resolve issues on your own, that people would genuinely grow and mature. But no, apparently that's not the case. Apparentlyyy, it's okay to continue to act like a child.
After everything we went through, despite being of a young age, I truly believe that I matured in a way that most people my age haven't. All the experiences we went through, breaking up, getting back together, fighting, making up, falling apart completely and then somehow getting back up and pulling everything back together again; I thought meant that we had gained a mutual respect for each other, whether or not our relationship would last.
As can be predicted, straight after the fallout a series of immature posts on a public social networking site defaming our entire relationship proved me wrong COMPLETELY. Posts such as 'fuck you', were indirect yet so particularly aimed at me. Really mature.
Naturally after reading such stupid posts, I chose to ignore this person. But no.. no no no. For this, he calls me immature. I am immature. I.. am immature!?! -sigh-. Such anger and frustration. A positive outlet for such emotion is really a necessity for me as I'm nearing the stage where I truly believe my head is going to explode!
How am I supposed to see this person every single day, and continue to control my anger?
He makes me so angry!! All I've done is try to be responsible and mature and stay out of his way completely, so as to avoid hurting him anymore than I know I already did. Breaking up isn't easy. Maybe for some people it is, but for me, I was letting go of something I wasn't sure if I was ready to. But the time seemed right and I took it on as a true test to my character: could I live without him? Turns out, yes. Yes I can. For a long time I was very unsure of this answer. Would I really be able to get on without him? I mean, it's not like he's my oxygen source or anything. Or was he? It's sad that such an independent person can begin to rely so heavily on another person, who may or may not stick around. Thus, I tested myself and luckily, I came out on top. The only downside is now, I deal with the immaturity I see him exert every single day of his schooling life; and I'm really starting to wonder if he or any of his brainwashed friends will make it in the real world. They can't even sit at lunch break on their own. How pathetic is that? To STILL, after so many years of supposed social growth, be afraid of sitting on your own. I'm not sure if it's embarrassment or shame or just fear of looking like a total loser but what kind of person honestly cannot just sit on their own without fear of judgement? We're not 12 years old anymore, it's okay to look less than amazing. I just wish some people didn't exist.

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